Alot of people have been asking the same questions ,such as 1.what do we charge to do an investigation?
the answer is simple (we do not charge for the investigation)
all we ask is that with the increasing rise in fuel expenses that you might help with our gas to get our investigators
and the needed equipment to and from your location.
2. do the homeowners have to leave thier homes while we investigate?
the answer is no. but we do ask that there be a designated room where the residence can stay during the investigation.
if there are any children,it is best if they stay at a neighbors or grandparents home,and if there are any dogs that
they also be removed.
remember you called us!! and to do a thourough investigation the presence of barking animals and curious
children could jeoprodize the integrity of the investigation and you dont want that,,,do you?
3. can we invite people over ((ie I have a friend interested in the paranormal )) ...NO ..
this is not a curiosity or sideshow..
we are serious about what we do and hope that because you called us that you have a legitimate need for us to offer our
time and efforts.